Wednesday, February 12, 2025

"Satisfied Mind"

I also noticed a small feature in "Satisfied Mind" when I listened to Turn! Turn! Turn! recently:  in the line "How many times have you heard someone say," "times" is sung with a melisma (C# B), giving a sense of the amount of "how many."

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

"The World Turns All Around Her"

I listened to Turn! Turn! Turn! recently.  I think I'd been dimly aware of this before, but I realized that part of the drum pattern in the bridge of "The World Turns All Around Her" (roughly every other pair of measures, starting with the second pair) seems to be based on that in the Beatles' "What You're Doing," particularly the introduction (which is only drums for the first four measures).

The two parts are something like this, where the bottom line is the bass drum and the top line is the snare:

(I should note that I am not a drummer, so I don't know how to notate the parts properly or even if I have these correctly identified.)

There's also a cymbal crash on the first beat of the first bar of these measures in "The World Turns All Around Here" (and on the first beat of the second bar in the third instance, at ~1:24), but the corresponding pattern in the Beatles' song doesn't have any cymbals.

There are minor differences, but the two parts are so similar that it seems more than just coincidence.